Specific treatment of sacro-iliac joint (SIJ) injuries
The sacro-iliac joint (SIJ) refers to the junction between the spine and the pelvis; together the two SIJ’s and the pubic symphysis form the bony ring structure at the base of the spine called the pelvis. Injuries to the SIJ occur through normal daily activities, in a wide range of recreational and exercise activities, often occur with lower back issues and are a distinct problem which often occurs during and after pregnancy.
SIJ stability is an essential part of pelvic function as well as movements of the spine and problems of the SIJ are often neglected by therapists who have not specifically been trained to assess and treat these problems. Our physiotherapists are recognised as been highly skilled in treating SIJ related problems and this is an area of particular interest to us.
The pelvis is positioned at the base of the spine and if there is a lack of stability in the SIJ this leads to reduced control across the pelvis and places unnecessary extra forces through into the lumbar spine discs and joints. The SIJ is reinforced by several ligaments and muscles which when active increase the tension and compression across the joint to allow for smooth functional movement, when the function of these muscles or the local joints becomes disrupted pain often results. Imbalances at the SIJ often lead onto hip and knee problems because of the muscular and fascial connections between the pelvis and the lower limbs.
Taso Lambridis has a special interest in the SIJ, he has presented material to various conferences and runs courses for other Physiotherapists throughout Australia on how to assess and treat SIJ dysfunction. Over a period of more than 15 years he has spent considerable time and effort in learning the latest findings and research into this complex region of the spine while at the same time ensuring that all the Physios at Spinal Synergy are mentored and can benefit from his knowledge and expertise into this region of the body.