Pelvic Girdle Pain (Pelvic Girdle Pain PGP) is not widely known or understood and we are still learning about the exact causes of pelvic pain but it is thought that this softening, along with postural changes, muscle weakness and differences in the movement occurring between the left and right pelvic joints can cause too much stress on the joints, ligaments and muscles of the pelvis. What are the symptoms of PGP?
The pain is usually made worse by lying on your back, turning over in bed, walking and standing or getting up from a sitting position. It is often worse at night and the degree of night pain you may experience will probably be related to how active you are during the day. Separating your legs especially when sitting or lying down can be painful.
Pelvic region dysfunction and pain can begin as early as 8-12 weeks or as late as the last few weeks before delivery. If the pain comes on at the very end of pregnancy, it may be due to the baby’s head ‘engaging’ or moving down into the pelvis. If you experience pelvic related dysfunction in one pregnancy it is likely to reoccur in any subsequent pregnancy, and without professional advice or treatment, may be more severe.
It is important to see a physiotherapist who is experienced in treating pelvic joint complaints and in particular experience in treating pregnant women. At Spinal Synergy Physiotherapy we will assess the stability of your pelvic joints, examine your back and posture to make sure the symptoms are not coming from there, and take a detailed look at how the deep core stability muscles of your abdominal region, lumbar spine, pelvis and hip are working.
Treatment at Spinal Synergy Physiotherapy uses gentle techniques which assist in mobilising the pelvis, lumbar spine and hips. We use specific soft-tissue type treatments to release tight muscles, correct any pelvic or sacro-iliac joint imbalances. Pelvic/SIJ stability belts are often used in the case of pelvic instability and provide for immediate relief and can be worn safely during pregnancy. In some instances the physiotherapist will apply tape directly to the pelvic region which can assist in restoring pelvic stability and control. Exercise for the deep core abdominal and pelvic floor muscles are a key part of treatment and are aimed at improving stability of your pelvis and back. We will provide you with corrective posture exercise and a program for strengthening the deep core stability muscles. This can be either closely supervised one-on-one rehabilitation with the physiotherapist and we also recommend small group focused exercise classes.
Here are some tips to prevent pain and injury during your pregnancy: