Acupuncture is a method of using very fine stainless-steel needles inserted into various parts of the body to treat a wide range of conditions and is among the best known and most accepted of all complementary therapies. At Spinal Synergy Physiotherapy we only use pre-sterilised, disposable needles and ensure the highest standards of hygiene & infection control.
This approach often involves inserting the acupuncture needles directly into muscles and is sometimes referred to as Dry needling or trigger point acupuncture. Acupuncture is very similar but is based on acupuncture meridians and uses traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture points, although it often is combined with Dry Needling.
Acupuncture is used in the clinic to help alleviate pain which often acts as a barrier to other treatments, to address tight and overactive muscles and hence restore normal movement. It is primarily used in conjunction with other manipulative and soft-tissue techniques to facilitate improved function and patient outcomes.
Taso Lambridis has been using Acupuncture since 1995 and provides both Acupuncture and Dry Needling. Both Taso & Julie are certified to use Dry Needling as an adjunct to their Physiotherapy.